Cannabis Consulting

Pick my brain about all things Cannabis Medicine!

I provide expert guidance and resources to assist you as you begin your personal journey with Cannabis Medicine. There isn’t one right way to do Cannabis Medicine. It’s unique to each individual, which is why I have made these consults EASY! Some people need one phone call others need a series of short calls to get them on the right track.

Whatever works for you!

Get answers you can trust, from someone who cares, by filling out the appointment form below.

Photo by David Gabrić on Unsplash

Personalized 1:1 | CBD & Medical Cannabis COnsults

$125 Per hour

$75 per half hour

$40 per 15 minutes

$200 package rate includes: initial 1 hr consult and then (3) 15 minute follow up sessions over the course of the next three weeks or how you see fit to use them.

  • Have you thought about using CBD but are unsure what to purchase or how much to take?

  • Thinking about getting a Medical Marijuana Card but don’t know if you can qualify or where to start?

  • Are you new to Medical Cannabis and need some guidance from a medical professional?

  • Do you need education regarding what products to buy and why you would use one vs another?

  • Want to understand the difference between flower? concentrates? tinctures? Capsules?

These are all common scenarios my clients come to me with and I help them find a solution. There is a maze of information out there, I help you simplify it.

There’s a lot to know. But don’t get overwhelmed, get educated.

Healing is a marathon not a sprint.

Let me help make it a smoother experience and save you time and money.

Business Consulting | Medical Cannabis Physicians

$125 per hour

$75 for a half hour

Are you a Medical Doctor looking to integrate Medical Cannabis into your practice but have no idea where to start?

  • Do you like the idea of Medical Cannabis but just don’t have quite enough knowledge to share with your patients yet?

  • Would you like someone to come in and set up your practice with the correct forms & licensure and train your staff to seamlessly take over so you can independently operate a medical cannabis practice within the structure of your practice?

  • Or would you prefer to have a Cannabis Nurse on stand-by to answer any questions you may have?

  • Just want to pick my brain for a bit & implement it yourself? That works too!

Tailored packages are also available with pricing determined by need of service, timeline and continued support needs. Please call or complete form below to inquire further.


Rick Simpson oil protocol- RSO

Have you been struggling with a chronic illness?

Heard of the Rick Simpson Protocol but don’t know how to implement it, where to start, or where to find quality products?

If you’re looking for guidance with this particular form of cannabis medicine we can help.